Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Choose Wisely

This happens to be my best friend
I have had some real ugly ass frogs before I found her
(I know very corny and vulgar)
Anyways, I'm blessed to have her in my life.
People don't typically find TRUE friends until it's too late So please...choose wisely ;)

Starting Out

I have never really started a blog before and I'm very nervous. I'm thinking to myself, "should I write about love, sex, drug use, or popularity" you know the usual stuff people put out on their first post. With a couple of moments I decide what I am going to post about..My Life. I am Tyler, I have an older sister and a dog (German Shepard/Husky mix). I am a Gemini (if you hadn't guessed by the name of my blog). I want to go to Clemson University, I hate mushrooms and love Bacon. I have AMAZING friends, OK parents, and a blessed life. I'm not a bitch, I am a hopeless romantic, and I also date guys who are wrong for me. My mom pisses me off daily, I love to sing, and I can watch scary movies all day. I hope you enjoy my blog. I usually write about anything and everything on my mind. prepared :)